TOPRA In-House Training LogoExpert in-house training solutions for regulatory affairs professionals

A cost-effective training solution tailored to your organisation's needs


  • We can develop flexible training programmes to meet your specific needs using a a mixture of taught and interactive training methods
  • We can deliver one-off training courses designed to meet a specific need, manage your entire regulatory training programme and provide certified training programmes accredited by TOPRA
  • We have trained thousands of regulatory professionals both in industry and at regulatory authorities
  • We have the most comprehensive library of regulatory training materials, developed by global leaders in the profession
  • Our training is delivered by a team of highly experienced TOPRA members who are active consultants with a special interest in training

Lorna Griffin“Training is hugely important to develop regulatory professionals. I particularly enjoy training in small groups as this facilitates open discussion. As communication is key in regulatory affairs it is great to see alternative approaches debated and proposed.”

Lorna Griffin, Regulatory Consultant
Angela Stokes“My training role enables me to give back to the profession something that it has given me – knowledge and experience. The future of our profession is the young people following in our footsteps – it is our duty to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge to succeed.”

Angela Stokes, Regulatory Consultant and TOPRA Past-President (2019)
Joe Cheal“As a trainer, I love an interactive dynamic where everyone in the room can learn from one another. My aim is always to engage … and to enjoy!”

Joe Cheal, Management Development Specialist

Find out more

To discuss how TOPRA can fulfil your training needs, please submit an enquiry using our online form (button below), or call us on +44 (0) 20 7510 2560.

Submit an enquiry

Please note: 

  • We usually need three months between when a contract is signed and delivery
  • Prices depend on the topic, location, and length of training.  Please submit an enquiry in the first instance and we can discuss this with you.