Individual online listing
£250 (+ VAT if applicable)
- One full job description posted on the TOPRA Job Shop page
- Live for one month
- Company logo
- Candidate application hyperlink
- Company website hyperlink
- Visible to all those interested in regulatory careers (not restricted to TOPRA members).
- 10% discount for TOPRA Members
Individual online listing + weekly Jobs e-Bulletin
£550 (+ VAT if applicable)
- One full job description posted on the TOPRA Job Shop page (see above for details)
- One entry in the TOPRA Jobs e-bulletin (sent on a weekly basis to all TOPRA members). This includes the company logo, a 50-80 word summary of the role and a link to the full job description on the TOPRA Job Shop page
Upgrade existing listing to include Jobs e-Bulletin email
- Enhance your job listing with inclusion in one issue of the weekly Jobs Bulletin email
Listing extension
Extend the length of time your advert is active by 30 days