The poster session at the Annual Symposium is open to anyone undertaking research in regulatory affairs or any aspect of healthcare product development who wishes to showcase their research to the regulatory affairs community. Previous examples of topics include primary vigilance reporting introduced by the EU Medical Device Regulation, comparative evaluations of biosimilar development in different countries or the impact of mobile apps on treatment choices.
The deadline for submitting abstracts will be announced in spring of 2020.
Conditions of entry
All posters can be landscape or portrait in orientation but must be A1 in size (594 x 841 mm). They may be colour or black and white. The poster should present your individual research to the Symposium audience and must not be designed to promote your company or services. If you send your poster to the following address by 15 September 2019, TOPRA will transport it to the venue and arrange for its display.
6th Floor, 3 Harbour Exchange
South Quay
E14 9GE
Alternatively, if you are attending the Symposium you may bring your poster to the TOPRA reception desk during the registration period. Please advise us in advance if this is your preference by emailing our meetings team.
Student poster competition

For students there will be a poster competition. If you wish to enter, please indicate this when providing the details of your poster. There will be one prize of £200 for the poster submitted by a student considered to be the best by the independent judging panel of regulatory affairs experts. The judges will be TOPRA members and the Advisory panel. The winning posters will also be featured on the TOPRA website and in our internal member newsletter.
The event is intentionally cross-disciplinary, and you are being judged, in part, on your ability to represent your research to a broad audience who may not be experts in your field. You are unlikely to be judged by an academic from your own subject area and you should bear this in mind when considering how to present your work.
It is not a requirement to attend the Symposium but if your poster is accepted, and you wish to attend, you are eligible for a discount from the full symposium fee. Students in full-time education are eligible for a 50% discount and students in part-time education are eligible for a 25% discount. If you would like to attend please contact TOPRA’s
meetings team for the discount code.
The judges’ decision is final and the winner agrees that their name and photograph may be used in post-event publicity.