Steve Hayes

Candidate |President Elect

Current position and relevant professional experience:

MHRA Regulatory Science Specialist.

Seasoned regulatory development professional with over 35 years' breadth of experience gained across company, consulting, public service and government sectors. 

Current or previous involvement in TOPRA activities:

Member since 1990 and Fellow since 2016.
Served as a Board Member (Non-Executive Director) 2019 - 2021; President (Chair) in 2020. 

Personal statement:

I had the privilege of leading the TOPRA Board in 2020; successfully navigating the organisation through the challenges of anticipated change and unforeseeable turbulence to accomplish the goals set for that year. I purposefully championed delivery of a refreshed strategy and an enhanced governance model to enable TOPRA to thrive and maintain a healthy growth trajectory. There is now further urgent need to consolidate and sustain such measures. My commitment will, again, be to ensuring that TOPRA continues to be a fit-for-purpose membership organisation focused on enabling and promoting the very best the healthcare regulatory profession has to offer. 

Nomination information
Proposer: Eva Kopecna; Seconders: Antonia Orsi, Valeria Graffeo