Nominee Stories
Seamus Moore
Regulatory Affairs and Quality Manager, DPP, the Netherlands
Communication Award winner 2022
Seamus has managed regulatory submissions for complex products across the world. These have presented him with a range of communication challenges, from language barriers to large variations in regulations, which he has successfully overcome.
Q: How did it feel to be nominated?
These awards are so important for regulatory affairs professionals and show appreciation for all the hard work we do in the challenging and ever-changing world of regulations. It was such a surprise that, at first, I thought "is this a joke?". So yes, a surprise but a very pleasant one.

Q: How did it feel when it was announced that you had won?
It was a very surreal experience. I was filming the ceremony and one of the other nominees was sitting beside me. I said to her, “On the off-chance that my name is called, would you video me?”, and she said, “Sure”.
And the next thing you know, I heard Seamus Moore announced as the winner. You can hear me say "Wow, I won!" on the video. I was really honoured.
Q: What were your highlights from being part of Awards?
The main highlight for me was the fact that somebody recognised my contribution to regulatory affairs and went to the trouble of nominating me.
I was also really impressed with the ceremony, how willing people were to share information and to network. I just felt part of a big of family, and really appreciated it.
Q: What were your highlights of the ceremony?
It was very well organised and very classy. The venue had the wow-factor as did the meal, the music and the entertainment. It was top notch and really professional.
Q: What would you say to encourage people to nominate their colleagues?
It all comes down to having some empathy for the people that you work with, and wanting to see them be rewarded for their hard work. I was amazed to be nominated and found out that it was by one of my colleagues. This year, I’m going to do the same for someone I’ve worked with who I would really love to see get the recognition they deserve.