The TOPRA Awards for Regulatory Excellence were launched in 2010 to highlight good practices and achievements in individuals, teams and organisations taking place across the healthcare regulatory affairs profession. Over the years, the Awards have become a highly respected, much-anticipated feature in the regulatory affairs calendar.

The primary purpose of the Awards is to raise the profile and standing of the profession in the healthcare sector and beyond. They cover all aspects of and specialties within regulatory affairs, from human and veterinary medicines to medical devices and diagnostics. Since being established, they have grown significantly, reflected by an increasing number of nominations and a wider choice of categories.

They are open to all professionals working in regulatory affairs based in any type of organisation, whether in industry or agency (from consultancy to service provider), whether they are TOPRA members or not, and wherever they are based geographically. 

Judged by an independent panel of regulatory affairs experts drawn from across the profession, including representatives from industry, agency, academia and patients’ groups, it is an achievement not only to win an Award but to be a finalist on the shortlist.


The TOPRA Awards for Regulatory Excellence present an ideal an opportunity to associate your organisation with outstanding achievement and professionalism in regulatory affairs. We offer sponsorship opportunities to suit all types and sizes of organisation.