The 2025 Awards will open for entries during the week of 17 March - more details to follow shortly.

The Education Award recognises individuals who have made a significant contribution to the education and training of regulatory affairs, perhaps through the development of a formal educational qualification, the consistent delivery of a training product, or the production of an innovative in-house training programme.

The category also includes companies or organisations that have demonstrated support for the development of regulatory affairs professionals through, for example, tailored training programmes, or by encouraging staff to undertake professional qualifications, such as an MSc.

Entries are also encouraged from writers of seminal reference works or producers of online education tools, including individuals or teams working in an academic or non-profit environment.

This award category is open to individuals, teams or organisations.

Nominations may be for a person, team or organisation who has:

1. Demonstrated a creative or innovative approach to training in a complex regulatory topic.
2. A proven track record of producing excellent learning outcomes in their students/delegates.
3. Been responsive to the changing regulatory affairs environment.
4. Proven their dedication and commitment to the field of education in regulatory affairs over many years, or perhaps has been a champion in the introduction of formal qualifications in the subject.
5. Consistently delivered excellent, insightful, topical and provoking presentations at regulatory conferences and meetings that have challenged and informed the audiences.
6. Demonstrable evidence that students have achieved positions of responsibility or accomplished projects that can be attributable to the training received.

Please note: any individual, team or organisation nominating themselves will be required to submit a supporting statement.

Read our Information Pack for more details about the Awards and FAQs.

Previous winners and finalists

WINNER - Roche/Genentech Early Regulatory Talent Program, UK and Canada
FINALIST - Monir el Azzouzi, Switzerland
FINALIST - Thuy Mason, UK
FINALIST - Rajashri Ojha, India
WINNER - Marjorie Zettler PhD, MPH, US 
FINALIST - Rebecca Findlay, UK
FINALIST - Kingston University BSc in Pharmaceutical Science with Regulatory Affairs, UK
FINALIST - Roche India, ECPM-Basel University and PSPH-Manipal Academy of Higher Educational Science with Regulatory Affairs, India/Switzerland

WINNER – James Polli, Professor and Ralph F. Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics
FINALIST - Alex Zwiers and Team, Zwiers Regulatory Consultancy, The Netherlands
FINALIST - Health Authority Interactions Skills Mastery Programme Design Team, F. Hoffman Le Roche, Global 

WINNER - Faster Filing Knowledge Cycling team, led by Detlef Hold, Maxine Warren, Lincoln Shand, Therese Mainville, Roche, Switzerland and USA
FINALIST - BSc Pharmaceutical Science with Regulatory Affairs Course Team, Kingston University, UK
FINALIST - Regulatory Team at Triveritas Ltd – a knoell company (global)

WINNER - Daniela Drago, former Associate Professor at George Washington University’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington DC, USA and now Senior Director, US Regulatory Sciences, Biogen, USA
FINALIST - Roche's Rare diseases Regulatory Expert network (RaRE), Switzerland
FINALIST - Caroline Vanneste, former Manager, Therapeutic Products Directorate, Health Canada

WINNER - Nathalie Schultze and team - F Hoffman-La Roche Ltd, Switzerland
FINALIST - Peter Embley - VCLS, Voisin Consulting Life Sciences, UK
FINALIST - Sanofi GRA ODYSSEY - Sanofi, France
FINALIST - Sherael Webley - University of Hertfordshire, UK